Saturday, June 28, 2008

On ideas...

I'm glad I have lots of ideas, I think it's a very good thing. I heard that when you pitch a script you better have something else up your sleeve or they're not going to take you seriously.

But there is the time factor...

Ideas vs. the time it takes to develop them into proper stories and scripts!

I remember what it was like when I didn't have any ideas, and all I was relegated to was staring and trying my hardest to produce something and all it came out to be was a mishmash of whatever movie I happened to be watching or whatever fandom I happened to be into. It wasn't cool, and my creativity dried up like a dead well.

Then I learned how to do loglines.

That helped A LOT. The exercise itself is a great way to just get stuff out there that's been taking up space in your brain.

What is a logline?

It's your movie in a sentence that tells what it's about.

For example, Lord of the Rings's logline could be: "A young hobbit must defeat evil by traveling through the world with his companions on an epic journey to destroy a sentient ring."

Blah, that's terrible. You get the idea. XD

Basically it's a short blurb of what your movie/novel/story is about. Like what the announcer would say at the beginning of your movie trailer. "In a world gone mad, one man, will take on...the world..." and some such drivel.

In class we were told to come up with 12 or so ideas, some as random and crazy as you can possibly make them, and some very good ones that you want to develop. Our teacher said it'd be the hardest when you got down to the last one. For me, eh, not so much, I came up with some random stuff but most of them I think I would be still interested in making. Not all of them, but hopefully enough to at least keep some ideas on the backburner in case the creative well gets stuck in a drought again.

Dreams are a wonderful place for ideas!

Half of my newest loglines came from my dreams. Such utterly random dreams they were, but they had very interesting premises and some parts of them could make a great logline for a movie!

I'm not gonna put any of my more delicious loglines on here, after all, this is the interwebs and I see youse pirates staring at me out there. O_____O

Here are some funny random loglines...who knows, maybe when all the creative ideas are gone someone will use these...what a sad world that will be. >___>

A time traveling lemur becomes a superhero and must save the world from an evil race of alien frogs.

A spy goes spying and discovers a plot that could end his spying.

A volcano erupts in the middle of Antarctica and melts a lot of ice, but not too much, and the water level of the oceans rises 1 inch.

A man has a very ordinary day at work in the office in which nothing particularly interesting happens to him, ever.

A new discovery in a faraway land holds the key to humanity's survival and except they locked the key inside and need to call a locksmith...

A ninja takes on a pirate in a battle of epic proportions.

A spoon is discovered to be evil and sentient and a young elf must take it deep into the fiery pits of the fast food industry to--oh wait...

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