Sunday, August 10, 2008


I'm so late at coming to write this little travelogue thingie but better late than never, I suppose.

I haven't been on a proper vacation in ages and my aunt so graciously gave this to me as a graduation present. Honestly I'd never traveled in an airplane by myself before (I've traveled with teams for school--one for a science fair and one for an Honors convention because yes, I am that much of a nerd) but the flight was fine. My aunt met me in Florida and we got to the airport on time, but we were hungry and went to get some pizza. We were eating and heard our gate calling passengers. We figured that since we had a high number they weren't calling us yet. Turns out they were calling 'sections' and not seats, and we'd missed our section by a long shot. All of a sudden it's "Last call for passengers" and we're still munching away. A few frantic seconds of gathering up pizza boxes and a mad dash takes us to a rather long line in the hot and sticky tunnel in front of the plane. We eat the rest of the pizza while waiting there. :D

The trip to Atlanta was so short that the stewardesses were STILL handing out drinks when we were in the landing procedure already. The lady was just as frantic as we were with the pizzas taking orders but of course they had to stop a few minutes later. The pilots had skillz and had knocked off a good chunk of the trip, it was only like 45 mins anyway.

The ride to Orange County was nice, we had these tv screens with games in front of us. Pretty much everyone in the plane was using them at one time or another, and I saw all of the games being cycled through, throughout the 4 hours. My arm was hurting eventually cause I played nearly the whole time and you had to poke at it hard for it to pick up your touch and your arm is all raised...My favorite games were solitare and this one "Fish Insanity" game where you had to feed fish, raise more and they'd poop out gold which you had to collect.

Anyway we got there at like 11 PM, I was already exhausted cause me being me, had barely any sleep from the night before, and we're 3 hours ahead of our time anyway...I still was excited though even driving back from the airport, just seeing California for the first time in a long time--just being there, was awesome. I couldn't see much cause it was late but still...exciting. I couldn't wait to explore.

The next day we went to Downtown Disney and watched Kung Fu Panda, which was awesome. Skidoosh. They had really nice stores there, besides the Disney store of course in which I bought a cute little Star Wars figure of Stitch as Emperor Palpatine and also the Keys to the cell that the dog holds from Pirates of the Caribbean. My aunt finally bought me an Indiana Jones hat. MY DREAM HAS COME TRUE. Seriously, I have been wanting that hat forever. I pretty much wore it everywhere we went in Cali from then on. Lol! We had lunch at a Japanese restaurant and I ate mochi ice cream for the first time. Strawberry. delicious. Also later on we drove into LA, and I was surprised at how honest-to-goodness smoggy it is. I always thought everyone was exaggerating, but it's really thick! It looks more like a sort of smoky haze...I'm like--there's mountains, I think there's mountains... What also surprised me was how many palm trees there were! The pretty tall kind, not the short stout ones we have in Florida. The skyline of LA is purdy...

The next day was the Fourth of July and we went to a barbeque potluck, and after that we went to Hollywood! Finally! We rounded the bend of the highway and Capitol Records comes into view, and then we stopped to get gas nearby. I could just tell we were in a nice neighborhood, the houses were all pretty and the landscape was hilly--I miss hills, where I live it's so flat--and I was also surprised at the SHEER AMOUNT OF MOVIE BILLBOARDS. Considering 50% of those were from the Dark Knight, I was pleased. Very pleased.

It reminded me of the strip at Las Vegas when we drove into Hollywood Blvd...and I was shocked at how SMALL everything was. I thought Grauman's was a lot bigger cause they always have premieres and was crowded and the streets were packed. We found a parking space nearby and walked there. It was cool walking on the Walk of Fame...every other step we were like "Oh! Walt Disney! Oh! Someone else famous that I can't quite place their name!" We missed the Batman and Robin characters hanging out there...I saw two Spidermans though one on each side of the street...

So yeah, it was more than a little cool to actually BE there. I kept thinking of Cat's Don't Dance! I don't know if it's just the cement shrinking but a lot of stars seem to have smaller hands and feet than I would have thought.

It was cool though. Lucas and Spielberg were together, Harrison Ford right next to them--I took a picture of me there, too lol. I also got one with Johnny Depp.

To Be Continued...

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