Friday, June 20, 2008

Testing the waters...

I've tried this before but I'm gonna try it again since I'm really getting into writing as a profession now. Might as well have some place to write about randomness other than the obligatory facebook, which doesn't really have a blog, I'm sorry to say.

I'm currently deciding whether to turn this into a movie review blog, which I've been wanting to do for ages because I'm really big on reviewing movies, or make this a random-daily-life-plus-writing-stuff blog. Or both. I can't decide yet. Someone decide for me. Yes, you there, in the back.

Anyway, let's see how this goes and how long this lasts me on the fickle interwebs.

Captain Indy


Creative A said...


Thanks for commenting on my blog! I'm glad you found it helpful. I've been working really hard at making it one of those places you can actually benefit from, instead of just read.

I think it would be interesting if you did some reviews. Screewriting is one thing I don't know much about, so I'd be interested to see what you said. Good luck :)

Captain Indy said...

Thanks so much, and no problem! :D

Yeah, I think I have an idea where this blog is going. Thanks for your advice and good luck to you too! :D